QPU Reduces 78% Efforts Between Us
The challenges for both caregivers & care recipients
The process of long-term caregiving indeed poses various challenges for both caregivers and care recipients, involving physical and psychological burdens.
Challenges for caregivers include:
- Physical Exhaustion: Caregivers need to attend to the daily activities of patients, such as assisting with bathing, dressing, and feeding, which may require prolonged physical effort, especially when the care recipient has limited mobility.
- Psychological Pressure: Caregivers often bear significant psychological stress, worrying about the patient's condition, coping with pain, and potential changes in the illness. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
- Time Management: Caregivers must constantly adjust their schedules to ensure that patients receive adequate care. This can negatively impact the caregiver's personal life and career.
QPU system solves the problem
The proces of QPU enhence the performance for both caregivers and care recipients. Make it possible, the joyful fresh air, joyful sunshine.
Cancer Nutrition From Brain Neural Cells
This molecule plays a high impact role between tumor and brain
The connection and development trend between human brain cells and tumor cells was always a highly attractive subject to neurologists. Brain cells consume a large amount of energy from our blood, so do the tumor cells. According to the newest evidence found in CAXXÖN Labs, it was suspected that a portion of energy taken or absorbed by tumor cells was released from brain. The key actor in this route map was played by glucose cycle. Before the more results unleashed, let's take a sneak peek in how glucose move in cells. "Once it is in the periplasm, glucose is internalized to the cytoplasm and phosphorylated by the phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). Either when glucose is present in the medium at a very low concentration or when the PTS system is inactivated, other transport proteins such as the high-afnity ABC transporter Mgl system and the galactose:H+ symporter GalP contribute to its import. Under these conditions, the internalized glucose is phosphorylated by the enzyme glucokinase in an ATP dependent reaction."
Blood-Brain Barrier
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is one of the most essential protection mechanisms in the central nervous system (CNS). It selectively allows individual molecules such as small lipid-soluble molecules to pass through the capillary endothelial membrane while limiting the passage of pathogens or toxins.The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is one of the most essential protection mechanisms in the central nervous system (CNS). It selectively allows individual molecules such as small lipid-soluble molecules to pass through the capillary endothelial membrane while limiting the passage of pathogens or toxins.
Journal of Controlled Release
Volume 270, 28 January 2018, Pages 290-303
Regeneration Project aThena
Aging Skin Regeneration (AGR)
The characteristic features of aging skin include wrinkles, dryness of the skin, reduced skin thickness, loss of elasticity, dermal and epidermal atrophy, reduced rate of epidermal cell proliferation and cellular senescence. External factors that mainly contribute to skin aging include sunlight, UV radiation, chemicals, pollutants, and smoking. Besides external stimuli, endogenous processes that trigger aging process include excessive free radical production, nuclear/mitochondrial gene mutation, cellular senescence, shortening of telomere, reduced cell proliferation, and impaired immune functioning. In recent years, many scientific studies have revealed that advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are also among the crucial contributory factors of skin aging.
Accumulation of AGEs in the skin has been observed both in diabetes and during chronological aging. Proteins with slow turnover rate, such as collagen I and IV, as well as long-lived proteins, such as fibronectin, are primary targets of glycation reaction in the skin. Moreover, excessive deposition of AGEs in sun-exposed skin areas suggests that solar radiation, especially UV radiation, may play an important role in the formation of AGEs. Apart from sunlight, other external factors that are responsible for increased formation and deposition of AGEs in the skin include smoking and diet. The amount of AGEs in the food mainly depends on the method of preparation. For example, fried foods contain higher amount of AGEs as compared to boiled foods. About 10-30% of ingested AGEs are absorbed in the body and may participate in skin aging. Mechanistically, AGEs can react with proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids and alter their normal physiological functioning. Upon binding to their receptors, AGEs can also trigger a cascade of signaling pathways, leading to reduced cell proliferation, increase cellular senescence and apoptosis, decreased extracellular matrix synthesis, increased formation of free radicals and pro-inflammatory mediators, etc. All these processes can potentially contribute to skin aging.
Strategies to Control AGEs Since autofluorescence is an intrinsic property of AGEs, measurement of skin fluorescence is an effective method of detecting AGE deposition in the skin. Studies have found that skin fluorescence positively correlates with many age-related disorders, such as cardiovascular diseases, renal disorder, macular degeneration, and overall mortality. Given the immense involvement of AGEs in age-related disorders, including skin aging, effective strategies/interventions are needed to prevent, or at least control, their accumulation in the body. In this regard, most efficient strategies include removal of already formed AGEs from the body by degrading glycated proteins; inhibiting the formation of AGEs; and antagonizing AGE-mediated signaling cascade.
Harvard Dutta, Sanchari Sinha. 2018. Glycation and Skin Aging. News-Medical, viewed 03 January 2021, https://www.news-medical.net/health/Glycation-and-Skin-Aging.aspx.
QPU Reduces Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Controlling the HCM
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a condition where the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick (hypertrophied). This thickening can make it harder for the heart to pump blood.
CAXXÖN LABS experts introduced a H cell line for a series QPU experiments. Normal heart cells (H) were shown in the first picture, blue dots represents the "core" nucleus of a single cell, each red area represents the "shape" of a cell, cells are usually grown within a group.
Thickening H cells were incubated in the 2nd pcture which showed an abnormal growth with much bigger size (red areas).
After treated with QPU 24 hours, the thickening cells were inhibited and returned into normal size in the 3rd picture.
Normal cell line H
Thickening cell line H
Thickening cell line H treated with QPU within 24hr, the size was reduced
Kontrolle der HCM
Hypertrophe Kardiomyopathie (HCM) ist eine Erkrankung, bei der der Herzmuskel abnormal dick wird (hypertrophiert). Diese Verdickung kann es dem Herzen erschweren, Blut zu pumpen.
Experten von CAXXÖN LABS führten eine H-Zelllinie für eine Reihe von QPU-Experimenten ein. Normale Herzmuskelzellen (H) wurden im ersten Bild gezeigt, blaue Punkte stellen den „Kern“ des Zellkerns einer einzelnen Zelle dar, jede rote Fläche repräsentiert die „Form“ einer Zelle, Zellen wachsen normalerweise in einer Gruppe.
Im zweiten Bild wurden verdickte H-Zellen inkubiert, was ein abnormales Wachstum mit viel größerer Größe (rote Flächen) zeigte.
Nach einer 24-stündigen Behandlung mit QPU wurden die verdickten Zellen gehemmt und im dritten Bild auf normale Größe zurückgeführt.
QPU Spin Technology
QPU technology
QPU utilizing left and right spin optical technology combined with mature superconducting material technology, along with new error correction algorithms by introducing quantum bit logic gates, we are reaching the threshold limit, enables AI servers to maintain accurate chip computation results at low temperatures, ensuring that experimental outcomes generate correct structures and energy.
Ein QPU, das links- und rechtshändige Spin-Optiktechnologie mit ausgereifter supraleitender Materialtechnologie kombiniert, zusammen mit neuen Fehlerkorrekturalgorithmen durch die Einführung von Quantenbit-Logikgattern, wodurch wir die Schwellenwertgrenze erreichen, ermöglicht es KI-Servern, genaue Chip-Berechnungsergebnisse bei niedrigen Temperaturen aufrechtzuerhalten und sicherzustellen, dass experimentelle Ergebnisse korrekte Strukturen und Energie erzeugen.